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The therapeutic process:
why and how?

Putting words on what ails you, enables you to become aware of the reasons for your suffering. You can then take a step back, find harmony with yourself, and bounce back to life. The aim is to feel better.

I walk beside you and help you find your way: you are in the driving seat and you hold the keys to change.  

"The deepest tendency of all human activity is to move towards equilibrium."

Jean Piaget


Démarche thérapeutique Sylvie Doggwiler trouver son chemin


It is difficult to show what you feel, to express your emotions when you do not always understand them yourself! The therapeutic process is important in helping you rebuild yourself and regain control over your life. 

Suffering can seem inextricable and there can be a lot of ambivalent feelings. An external professional viewpoint will essentially make sense of what you are feeling and put words on what you are experiencing. 

A journey of a thousand miles always begins with a single step. 



The aim is to understand yourself better, identify your problems, and thus tackle them more calmly. 
The central aspect of the psychodynamic orientation is the discovery of oneself, the bringing to light of the shadowy areas, to approach one's problems from a different angle. It's about giving meaning, making connections - sometimes between unconscious elements - to initiate change.

My role is to listen to you with an empathic ear and help you understand your internal struggles. Together, we will acknowledge your limitations and inner conflicts, revitalize your strengths and resources to develop new strategies.

After an initial evaluation of 3-4 sessions, you and I agree on the goals of the therapy and set a framework. This can be short-term or long-term depending on the problems or how much you want to invest in the process.